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Climbing Bible: Managing Injuries

Vertebrate Publishin

Vertebrate Publishin
Auflage 2024
Prezzo Bächli
  CHF 42.00


Climbing Bible: Managing Injuries
is the indispensable guide to injury prevention and rehabilitation for climbers. The author, Stian Christophersen, is an internationally renowned climber who has competed and coached at international level; he is also a practising physiotherapist with over 15 years experience, specialising in the treatment of climbing injuries.
It describes the most common climbing injuries that the author frequently encounters in his clinical practice, and examines how they can be diagnosed and treated – and even prevented from occurring in the first place.

  • the author: Stian Christophersen
  • Injury prevention & rehabilitation for climbing & bouldering
  • 160 pages, 200 x 250 mm

Specifiche tecniche

Numero di articolo 109507
Shop principale/ Outlet Negozio principale
Colori bianco
Attività Arrampicata sportiva, Bouldering, Arrampicata alpina
Paese Svizzera ed estero
Lingua inglese

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