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Falaises de Corse


Auflage 2023
  CHF 49.00


Falaises de Corse
This new 2023 edition of the Falaises de Corse guidebook lists most of the sport crags on Corsica. It details all the relevant information to climbing on the island... access information, type of climbing, height of the route(s), grades etc are all detailed - and, for the first time in this new edition, a full set of photo-topos are also available.
The guidebook has expanded to 464 pages and includes 16 new crags, including several high-altitude granite crags (which were not included in previous editions) - it describes 2,750 routes over 87 crags, including 62 multi-pitch routes, it also describes a couple of the more popular bouldering destination.

  • Publisher: Omega Roc Sas
  • 464 pages
  • english , french

Specifiche tecniche

Numero di articolo 109432
Shop principale/ Outlet Negozio principale
Colori bianco
Attività Arrampicata sportiva
Paese Francia
Regione Corsica
Lingua francese, inglese

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